Alternative to make money with twiends
This method can make you 50$-100$ per day!
Tools Needed:
Tweet Attacks
1k Twitter Accounts ( use twitter account creator )
Grow your twitter followers
1. Open Tweet Attacks
2. Then add 1k twitter account in tweet attakcs (Manage > Twitter account>import) also harvest some good proxy and add on each account.
3. Open Module > follow/Unfollow
4. Load All Accounts > follow from search results > Use different keywords in parameters > Save the task
5. Run the follow/unfollow module each day (do not try to go behind the limits)
6. Let;s wait for 4-7 days.
make money with twitter
1. Open an account in rapbank
2. Choose 10 to 20 good product and make affilaite link
3. Shorten affilaite link with or use direct link with make unique link feature of tweet attacks
4. Open Tweet Attacks and switch module >wait and reply
5. Load all accounts > set search
search "your keyword" -http
6. Make 20 txt file for replies for each product (create 5 - 10 lines on each)
Create a message that does NOT sell but is more conversational
For example if I would be in the weight loss market I would have something like: Losing weight is so hard.. I found this pretty helpful tough: http//
7. Load replies from txt files and save the task
8. Start Wait & Replies
Repeat process each day and watch your money grow
you can use this method with adsense, cpa offers, email submit etc
You can use your adsenes website url in replace of affilaite links. all other part is same
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